When you are considering enrolling the most precious and vulnerable little person in your life in a childcare service, most Early Childcare Centres will provide you with pretty much the same information.
The reason for this is that Early Childhood Education and Care services are highly regulated and all are required to meet strict, specific Government standards regarding the physical property and buildings, the curriculum and programme and their commitment to providing your family with ‘quality’ care and education.
Every Licensed childcare service meets this standard and will tell you that they provide these services. That’s the minimum we need to be providing for our youngest citizens. Further, Early Childhood services are regularly audited by the Education Review Office to ensure the required standard of service is actually being delivered to the families and children they serve.
At Kids’ Kampus, whatever the regulatory standards require; we more than exceed them.
We are different from other services in that:
However, while all these benefits are great, they are not the essence of who we are or what we are about at Kids’ Kampus.
The reason for this is that Early Childhood Education and Care services are highly regulated and all are required to meet strict, specific Government standards regarding the physical property and buildings, the curriculum and programme and their commitment to providing your family with ‘quality’ care and education.
Every Licensed childcare service meets this standard and will tell you that they provide these services. That’s the minimum we need to be providing for our youngest citizens. Further, Early Childhood services are regularly audited by the Education Review Office to ensure the required standard of service is actually being delivered to the families and children they serve.
At Kids’ Kampus, whatever the regulatory standards require; we more than exceed them.
We are different from other services in that:
- We provide more expansive indoor and outdoor play space for children than other centres can, even though Kids’ Kampus is located in suburban central Auckland.
- Kids’ Kampus provides higher teacher to child ratios than is legally required.
- The centre is extremely well resourced with thought-provoking and varied equipment, as well as our Montessori apparatus; and your child is provided wide-ranging learning opportunities, accessed through our additional inspirational Montessori programme which we have integrated with the New Zealand Te Whāriki Curriculum.
However, while all these benefits are great, they are not the essence of who we are or what we are about at Kids’ Kampus.